When I get to a new town I think I need more time there but you can learn a lot in a short time. For instance I have learned that Turkey itself is not beautiful but the people are. In Greece the country is beautiful but. The people not so much. I am not feeling the Muslim influence so much and have seen a lot of Christian symbolism. The Muslims have to be reminded to pray by loud speakers all over town several times a day. Does that tell me anything about their motivation. But they have such a warmth about them. Here in Greece the women seem very quite to the point of being crowded like a mistreated animal. The men on the other hand are very loud and the Loud words Come with harshness that would be very intimidating to any of us. Hmmmm. Even this guy walking around selling food sounds like we are all drug smugglers and he is taking us to jail. With his attitude i dont even want to know what he is selling. Yesterday, I tried Cochie cooing a couple of babies...you know how they all smile. Not in Greece. Just looked at me.
Now this Ferry thing in Greece is awesome. They are not what those of us know who have been to Galveston. They are actually retired cruise ships. Even with a few cabins, and dining halls with snacks
And the rest refitted with nice stadium seating and medium screen tv s everywhere. Some wifi, clean restrooms. Really feels like a cruise cause I spend my time on the deck anyway. not really cheap, I guess but I got from Turkey to grease without backtracking.
Today I cruise from Mykonos ( beautiful) to paraeus just a few miles from Athens but on the coast. Greece does not have many hostels on the islands so I stayed in an adorable little family owned hotel. Good chance to see some TV CNN , shave, my legs, find my money, (had it tucked here and there) and contemplate. It was fine to be alone but missed sharing thoughts and asking questions. Especially asking questions. Questions like why would anyone who has heard the good news of Jesus Christ, consciously choose Muslim. Like the praying on certain hours. Do they just think that Jesus s too easy and want something with rules and regs so they know they can't make it. I like being a winner instead of being set up for failure.
Seeing differences in the Greek Isles. Some are all green with white buildings. Some are all stone with white buildings. Ever wonder why all the ruins are stone. Didn't they build frame houses like we do? Yeah but stone lasts better than wood. I know you knew that but when we look at places like Ephesus and think of how big it was, do they consider how many people lived in wood houses and there are no sights left f them. I thought of that this morning at the hotel when gazing out the window I saw stone ruins looked just like Ephesus and 100 yards away was a wooden structure that was about fallen down.
Back to the cruising, you are never at sea so far that you cannot see 2-3islands. Sunset was nice but I've seen better. Fell quickly into the sea but afterglow lasted a long time. If you know I have vertigo and don't cruise that well, just FYI, yes this is bothering me. I'm not sick but definitely swaying when I walk, on land or at sea. Yeah I have some Dramamine, and even saw it last night but just thought about it now and bags are way too full to get out. Speaking of bags. Did I tell you I had a b low out on day 2 in Istanbul. Rear left is shot to heck. I'm actually dragging my luggage instead of pulling it. In athens I'll buy be a souvenir of luggage. I jut bought this piece for the trip. Never pick Olympia or pick luggage for pretty. I bought this for size and now don't knw to buy more this size or bigger nd put this in it and repair later. Wish I could make it ti Erusalem where I will be for several weeks, and get it repaired. See those are the kinds of things I could talk to people about in a hostil. Talking things over always helps me work out a decision I can live with.
Way too much for now, so I'll go watch the world go by.. Found Psalms 3 today vs 7. deliver me O My God. Strike all my enemies on the jaw, break the teeth of the wicked. I first prayed this for me thinking of the Greek men then I prayed it for mankind
Have a blessed day. Remember Psalm 24
Love you mom! Listen to that small voice inside. It may be intuition given to you by God, or it may just be God. Either way, listen to it.