Sunday, September 15, 2013

Pray for decernment for me.

Without a lot of details, I have 2 new roomies, one adorable from Holland, big traveler, great to talk with, the other from South Africa, delightful lady.  Earlier today I had been praying for God to fill me cup.. Then tonight my new friend shows up and we start talking.  She is telling me about praying and God blessing, and I'm going, thank you Lord for refreshments from a stranger.  she says that her daughter has recently moved out and she has extra space and a great apartment and a
Has been thinking of renting a room out, would I lie to come stay and pay less than I was planning, and help her with rent.  I loved the idea so we planned it.
Seems as we've visited that the daughter as been taken and her 2 grandchildren, by someone who found her on fb 3years ago and lured her away the and now as taken her again.  It all sounds nightmarish.  Bottom line she is very upset and has come here to try and sort out her thoughts and make a plan.  All very complicated and Mom needs help trying to understand what's happening.  She needs someone to talk to.  As a sounding board and prayer partner.  I asked her tonight if she thinks I could help her sort things out if I stay here in eilat another day r 2.  She was elated and said she had wanted to ask me to but didn't want to impose.  So here is the place I need your prayers.  Pray that I will hear Gods will for my life.  I don't want to get involved unless God wills. I told her my plan would be to pray and wait on Jesus to lead me.  She said she is praying but not earring from God.  We talked more about Jesus, and she sees that her Jewish Faith is not eating her need in this situation.    So pray for me as I listen to her and listen to God.


  1. Praying....for wisdom and guidance...hugs!!!

  2. Praying for you. This scares me.
    Love you!
