Dome of the Rock or Temple Mount.on the top half, and the wailing wall or western wall on the bottom. They are literally over and under. In the foreground is the security entrance into the waing wall area. The weird looking archway is a ramp for what I don't know. But the wall you see is the oldest part of the old city and is where everyone goes to pray. It is divided down the middle for women and men to pray separately.

The wall of significance is right in the middle of the pic. You can't see the ground, but is there.

Just thought it was funny that Monday is washday everywhere. This is in the Arab quarter near City of David .
The view from down in the city of David back up to the old city. Very close but not inside the gate.

Some of the excavated ruins of c of D. Home were built into the sides of the rock. Believed to have been a very affluent neighborhood. One reason they think this is the next pic. It was a square stone about 3-4 feet cube and was the sit down toilet. I always wondered about that. Here it is
Not so comfy but I guess it worked. Still don't know what the po'folks did.
Well I never have figured out how to move pics, so here are a few from today where I just took pics of my cell with my iPad. Not the sharpest, but hope it helps. Was really a good day in a wired way. Planned to go to city of David. But then Hannah called and wanted me to go with her to Ra'anana. I had told her last week that I would, but she didn't know when. So I had a leisurely morn and when she got home really wanted to wait. Till tomorrow so I was back on with cityof David. Girls both said it would not take long so I took the bus by myself. Well I loved it and stayed longer, so decided to take the bus. Back. Well something went wrong around the old city cause traffic was not moving at all. Everyone where I was, was out in the street looking for a bus, no bus. Finally after a long time, a us came. Not the right bus, but by now we all take this bus just to get out of Arab territory. At least that was my motivation. That and there was a long steep hill ahead of me. The bus was really not going my way but I love to see the city, so I just stayed on for the ride. I could tell we were in Black at area, so just kept going. So some unbelievably steep hills that just dropped off behind the houses and some nice places, but no yards or land of any sort. Anyway, about 2 hours later it s getting sundown and I ave no clue where I am, so started asking for advise from driver and passengers to get back home. It took 2 bus changes, a train ride and another bus to get hoe about 8 pm. Never felt in danger, but would love to know where I was. Had at least a dozen people helping this old American find her way home. Staying near the king David hotel is a good landmark
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