Wednesday, September 11, 2013

2 weeks ago about now

Can't believe I have been somewhere for 2 weeks this afternoon.  I left yesterday and landed this afternoon.  It has been a marvelous trip already.  It does feel good to have a couple of weeks, I few trips on, train, plane, auto, tram, bus, metro, under my belt.  Been through USDollars, Turkish Lira, and now Euros.  Eaten shis kabob, gyros, baklava, Greek yogurt, ouzo,lots of fresh fruit, and too much awesome bread.  I've swam in the Aegean Sea and the Corinthian Sea.  I've met people from almost all over the world.  And it's only just begun.
I guess my passion is Faith, family, then travel.  I have learned that it is important to follow you passion.  I, lie most everyone I know, does all we can to keep going and keep doing and usually for others not for ourselves.  I seriously believe that I am already a better person for following my passion, dream. Whatever.  Now that I see what a difference it is making in who I am, I will find a way to do it more.  Now that I have learned to travel cheaply, though gotta work on traveling light, I will try it again and again as long as my body will go.  Don't worry loved ones.  I won't need it this long again.  I think I just was thinking while I'm out I may as well get the best bang for my buck.  Already thinking of South America.
Gotta make a confession...I did nt do a good job of seeing Corinth.  I had seen Ephesus, and athens and more stones sounded, well, boring.  I found many stones at the beach.  I did think a kot about Paul and his journeys, and I suspected that he spent a lot of time talking and preaching at the very place I was sitting.
Well I aml now checked into my hotel for tonight the off to Israel.  Have a lovely roomie from Canada.  She is also an archeologist.  She has been digging in Cyprus and Crete.  Very nice lady.  Then off to the natl Archeology Museum.  Hugh and plenty to see.  Here again as in Rome.  All the men are nude and all the women fully clothed.  Except for the one who was Goddess of Love, Aphrodite .  She was often draped partcially.  Same in Italy, but the opposite in France.  Naked women and well dressed men.  I think that says a lot about their culture, but I don't know a lot about what.
Stopped for great lunch to go with the wonderful Spinach filled pastry I had earlier.  awesome,
Then stopped by the Victoria park for sunset, very near my hotel.  Met the nicest man from Albania.  He is an art teacher for small children in school.  Has 2 children hisself but schools are so bad in Albania that he has sent them to school in Italy.  Everywhere I go, if we get into a conversation, it leads to the economy.  Canada seems to be the only ones not hurting.
Planning to get to bed early for my travel day tomorrow.  Leave the hotel about 7:30am and get to Eilat about 8:00 pm.  No pics today, I really did not see much.

1 comment:

  1. Gosh! Can't believe it has only been 2 weeks! I am glad you are learning so much about yourself... we should all backpack across Europe after High School!!! Love you and I so enjoy reading your blog. Keep 'em coming!
