I knew it would be tough and I guess I'm just yielding to it for awhile then I'll be up up and away. Some time I guess we all wallow in whatever. I got sad news from home all week and thinking of great friends going through tough times, and missing family and friends as I think of all the excitement of the upcoming Holydays. Thinking of KB about to loose a great friend from this life. Of JG having her first Holydays without her wonderful Husband. HC and family stArting a battle with the big C, and my dear family in Lubbock heading into the Holydays without sweet JC. makes me feel guilty to be so Happy, when I know of such sadness. But then there is ANH so excited about her 1st home, P&D starting their new life together after their marriage and AC planning her Jan wedding. My new friends in Nepal working to have their new church ready for worship for Christmas. Yes, life s good. God just keeps his blessing coming. Thank you Lord.
Here I sit watching Justice League : the New Frontier on Cinamax, planning my Thanksgiving lunch at KFC. Sounds good to me. I really do want Turkey and dressing cranberry sauce and green beans and rolls for Christmas dinner with my loved ones. That includes you. I'll be at Christy & Bryan's. come on over.
Hope everyone is well and safe for a wonderful time with family and friends for Thanksgiving. Now I'm out of here and it's a Blessed day in Bali for me.

The Muslim girls at the beach
Bali Boys getting ready for the race
Now that's a bowl of soup and a glass of tea
Me and Kutak heading for the boat
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