Still all cloudy and frequent rain. I am staying around here for another week, then off to who knows where. I'll figure it out on the island. My hotel on the island is called secret point huts. Can't wait. It is on the beach and pics look like it really is. I have now really seen a lot of Bali and very surprised. Even if you fly in and go straight to a beachfront luxury villa, your gonna be plagued bu venders and "dollar lady " sells people. If you don't go by the stalls, they put it on their heads and bring it to you. If you are carrying a previous purchase in a bag you are seen as ez and they are relentless. Walked down the street and one lady says " com in mom, everything is only $5. Very next stall, " come in mom everything$4 ". Your right next stall" come in mom everything $3". .ANNOYING ! You can't even slow down to look at a store or they are in your face offering you everything they sell and then cutting their own price before you even say a word. Very frustrating shopping experience. They don't usually speak much English, so they say everything they know how to say to everyone. It often does not fit in.
Just saw the weather and they are expecting the 4th in november history cyclone in north Australia. Well now if you look at the map it's easy to see what is just north of OZ. must be part of our lousy weather. Another test in making lemonade. By the way, I do like Bali, just not what I expected. But hey, we are used to eautiful white sand beaches in the Carib and Hawaii and even LA, (lower Alabama) and Florida . These beaches are just not white. To many volcanoes around. There are some nice waves though that make Galveston look brown, but the beaches are as dark or darker than Galveston. Talked to some rich Brits who were longing for another trip to Turks and Caicos. We are spoiled to beautiful beaches and this does not compete. There are plenty of pockets of stink around here. At the fancy mall on the beach, there were a coupe of stinky places by the restaurants by the beach. I'm not taking about stinky spices, or garbage from restaurants, I'm talking sewage kinda stinky. I think they have plumbing issues cause the P trap in my bathroom smells like brocoli when I come in and housekeeping has closed the bathroom door. I keep it open and the f fan running all the time. I love my farm and the good ole USA.
Woke up with a real runny nose today. Guess my weed s out. Maybe the island want have my weed.heard my first Muslim blaring yesterday. Had not even missed it in OZ or here ubtil I heard it off in the distance. Mostly Hindu and Buddhist here. The temples are black. I guess they are made of volcanic rock. In Maylasia they were Red. Another interesting practice is about death. Most or all are cremated, and I think the ashes are buried. But for a year or two they keep taking care of them by having parties for the,
M. They make big dinners and prepare their favorite foods and expect them to eat it. All very strange to me. But the food in those little trays are kinda like feeding the dead. With the dead, the living do eat it if the dead does not? First pic is my hotel as I came home last night. Really a nice place, 50 rooms, but terrible management, not much English.

My dinner last night. During the day, they disappear. As the sun goes down, the wa rungs, hawkers, whatever the country name, they come out in Bali. In other countries they are out all day, not here until dinner. Theses are grilling, chicken or beef on little skewers. About a bite per stick and with lots of spices and sauces. Man on right is dipping on sauces about to put on the grill on the right. It is about 3 feet long and 3 inches wide. Just enough to lay the skewer across the turn once. Bit really good. I got about 12 for about a dollar. Man on left is potting them on a paper, then wrapping that paper in newspaper and putting in a bag for takeaway. In Turkey the were kabobs, in Maylasia they were a different Ames and here it is something like Rocket. They are a staple and sold on every street corner .

Vey typical lady on her bike carrying whatever. They an get as much on their bikes as we get in our cars. Many more bikes than cars and most vehicles are Takis, ( taxis) or hotel shuttles. Very few private vehicles.
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