Monday, October 7, 2013

Gotta catch up

Starting with Friday, after a very long walk to get an Arab bus, I started with Mt of olives.  Beautiful trip up the Mt.  Saw Cael's, and 2 very beautiful sites.  One was the chapel of ascension where Jesus ascended into Heaven.  Other was the Church on the Lords Prayer where Jesus taught the deciples to pray.  It has Large , probably 5x10 ceramic tile sections of wall with the Lords Prayer in  over 60 languages Ad in Braille in several languages.  All colors so very decorative .  Then a mall chapel where the teaching occurred.  The grounds were beautiful with olive garden's and flowers everywhere.  the grounds of about 5 acres were a fence away from a very controversial hotel that apparently the Arabs built on the location that the Jews believe is where the Messiah will stand when he comes down to earth, then will move toward the Temple Mount.  Jews say built on sacred place in spite.  It does look very out of place at the top of such a sacred and historical site.  I was at the top and decided wat the hay, I just walked down. Plenty of time and the only way to really see it.  Wasn't as bad as I expected but well worth the fort.  When I got down I decided to just go ahead and wall all the way from ack to front of the old city, and found myself thinking Wow, I'm almost home when .I got to Jaffa Gate.  If you remember back 3 weeks, I thought it was a ver long walk from home to Jaffa gate.  I walked from about noon to 9 pm.  Yes I was tired, but ok.  god is good to keep e on my feet.  As I went through the old city, I did do Via Delarosa , and realized I had already done it a couple of time without realizing it. I took a break in old city and had a pizza and coke in front of Jacobs pizza and caught up on my people watching.  Jews ave a ting about milk vs meat and they can't touch or e served on the same plate.  Remember the have 2sinks so they wash dishes separately.  Anyway, pizzas don't have meat or don't ave cheese.  Burgers at a few places, but NO cheeseburgers.  Taco Bell  folded and left Israel.
sumnday I went with Hannah to take care f some Business in Ashdod.  A very progressive coastal city.  Very beautiful beaches.  We ad lunch on the beach and had a great day enjoying the wind, sand, surf and beUtiful, blue, Mediterranian.
Today was hoot.  Tell ya about it tomorrow

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are enjoying yourself and keep on going!
    Love you!
