Boarding at the airports has been weird for several countries. You get patted down several times. Not complaining. Any action is better than no action : )
They really go through your luggage and carry on. Open it up rummage through everything. You go through about 5 checkpoints of passport and boarding pass.
They start boarding the buses about 45 min before flight time then drive you out to the plane. Still you wait on the pane for those s who are still late.
The tickets don't get higher as the time gets closer. Last night I found $13 tickets for today from Kuala Lumpur to Penang. But the times didn't work for me so I paid $39 for next day ticket.
Even here in Kathmandu, signage is all English and most everyone speaks English
I think maybe microwaves are new here but in wide use. But I think they don't know how to use them. The drinks and soup are heated in them but you have to wait awhile to drink, cause it is boiling. Should not complain I guess it kills whatever is in it. I have gotten a cinnamon roll a couple of times and the are baked until they are already hard then microwaved until they are crunchy and you just suck on them. I bought a little Margarhetta pizza for the flight and tried to tell him no microwave cause I will eat it later. He did not understand for awhile so don't know if it will be crunchy or not.
Back to the bathroom for just a minute. Most no TP cause the showers and the bathroom are the same space. You close the toilet lid and shower and usually everything in there is wet. Challenging to keep your clothes and towel dry, if you are blessed with a towel. Always a pair of flip flops at the door cause the floor stays wet. But then there is another faucet on a hose like a hand held shower but about where the TP would be. I guess you spray yourself of fm but still no TP so you are all wet. I just don't understand this whole system
Everyone removes their shoes when entering a home or church. Not a business though. I finally as Safana last night why. She said because the ground is dirty and they want to keep the floors clean. duh. I thought it was cultural or spiritual, but just practical. Sometimes they ave other shoes inside and they step out of one and into the other. Macy and I should try that.
I have seen no insects or reptiles, except one Lazard in Chitwan. I don't even want to think about why.
If I drove through an area like this in the Us I would get out ASAP, and never go ack. But here it is beautiful. I think it is because they don't know another way. There is so much cleaning going on all the time, that I believe if they had the tools, the example and the know how, they would outdo us all.
There was a big sign as I entered the airport that said "till we meet again" even more than Israel, I believe I will be back.
Last night we had about a dozen at the touch meeting. Turns out that youth means up to 35. I asked them what they worry about at their age. Answers I bet you can guess. Finding a mate. Having a job.
Family relationships
I have learned very difficult about the culture. Widows are ouster sized from family because if your husband dies, no matter why, it was the wife's fault. She should have done a better job as a wife and he would not have died. Everything he had belongs to his family and she is supposed to take care of herself and any children with nothing. She is not allowed to own property and no one want to marry a woman who killed her husband.
A young man and his wife are staying with pastor Franklin and they have been kicked out of their Biddish family because they choose to follow Christ. Now they have no home, no job, no family, having to start their lives over. Hhis brother is a priest and wants to convert but the cost his so great he is hesitant.
I met Saranas sister and niece. She is 25 married to a man for 5 years. Was a prearranged marriage. Her father wa a pastor and his father a pastor so the married now he beats her but his family standing prevents her from telling anyone or leaving him. She has told er family and they came to intervene. Now his family will not let her have any privacy to talk to anyone or fb or email .
Here we are on the plane. About 500 People. 476 men and 24 ladies. See ya in Mylasia
My family in Kathmandu. janelle is still asleep
The guys on the planeSun setting over the Indian Ocean, I think. And thunderstorms brewing. I don't know if they have thunder here or not. That could be airplanes I hear. It is an airport.
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