Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Today is the first day of the rest of OUR lives

3 hours from now I leave for the airport and a 4 month adventure with The Lord.  We are going to start out in the area where he was born and raised.  I look forward to spending some good quality time with him.  I'll start out in some of the places Paul traveled and  preached.  I really look forward to. A much closer experience with what the Bible has told me for years.  Ia know everything is going to be amazing and faith building.  I had a chance to experience a moment of trial and faith building this morning when Fox News reported on the long lines of people in Israel standing in lines waiting for their gas masks.  Seems many of them already have them but now the rest of the population wants theirs.  They suspect that when the US takes a stand against Syria, the expect Syria to retaliate by trying to hurt our friends, Israel. I will be praying for guidance from my Sheppard.  Guess I my as well gone on to Ciaro.  But I'm not hearing that yet


  1. Donnie, have a wonderful trip. So glad we can hear about it on your blog!! You are brave beyond words. Your friend, Fran

  2. Love you mom! Follow the Lord as he leads your heart. HE will provide for all your needs. I have had a talk with Him about trust and how I am trusting you to Him. Love you so very much!
