Thursday, August 29, 2013

A new day in Istanbul, but my last day in istanbul

Somehow I hit some buttons an got this a bit scrambled so sorry if it is difficult to keep up.
Istanbul is is awesome.  I love the culture here.  Hugh beautiful Mosque on every corner.  Lots of ladies dressed in the long black robes and veils but fell accepted by all.  Yesterday I was looking for a toilet in a restaurant and about 6 were seated together,  they couldn't take their eyes off me but were polite and told me when the toilet was available.  All toilets have seats and paper which is an improvement over France.  Except the Squate toilet on the walk back home yesterday.  Looked like a urinal in the ground with a bucket and faucet beside it.  Oh well, " when in " Istanbul, do as the istanbul... You know the rest
   The only metropolitan city located on 2 continents.   And we thought we had problems in Texarkana USA.  So I went to Asia early.  Didn't plan that until October, but can mark that off my bucket list early.  
Temp is close to Texas but more humid, not as bad as Houston.  Very Hilly.  Very steep when walking uphill.  haven't found any downhills.  People very proud but grumble.  Hard workers and hard players.  Sometime confused about which one they are doing.  Men very polite.  Everyone very helpful.  Very proud of their heritage.  Most working class so I feel ver at home her.  I have not mentioned publicly as I too had a stereotypical idea of Hostels, but I am doing all sorts of accommodations.  I have stayed at some of the worlds finest hotels with Tupperware and Avon, and am none the better for it, just differences experiences, so this trip I am doing Hostiles,guest houses, hotels, and tonight I am spending the night on the bus and someday on a boat, maybe in Greece.  
Several reasons.. Money, here I an paying $15 a night.  A cheap hotel that would scare me by myself, about $45-60.  I'm out for 120days so do tHe math.  I am alone and would be scared alone and no one to share with.  Here I have roommates.  2 adorable French girls on their way home from 3weeks in Kenya left yesterday.  Are ally sweet girl from Chili, out for 2 months solo and 2 nice girls from Japan.  No English but giggle a lot.  Everyone was distressed with me when luggage pie was a no show and delighted when it showed up in the night.  I was asleep so they knew before I did.  So far I love it.  Many different, ages, nationalities, ,But everyone gets along and is friendly
Hagia Sophia is closed until Friday for some special conference so want  get to see it.  It is the oldest C hristian church around, so was interested in seeing it.  Supposed to be where Virgin Mary was buried.  I got the book.
Today going to the Grand Bazaar then catch the bus to Ephusus.  Very excited about that.  It is a 10 hour overnight bus trip.  Sleep is overrated.  I am not seeing any news, will likely try to check out Fox today online.  Love to all

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