Saturday, August 31, 2013

day of rest

 it's only Saturday but swollen feet need a of rest.  Great bus ride last night.  Met 3 great Aussies, and hanging with them here in a Guesthouse.  Pic of garden terrace.  Not much to do here but very clause to Ephesus and headed there tomorrow then to the each in kasudesa about 20 kilometers from ere.  Have no idea how far that is, but now battery charged so I can google it.  Also taking the day to clean out my stuff.  
Michelle, I found my black swimsutbottoms yeah.  
Just sat here and drank 1 .5 liter of water.  I think I ad cut bac because it is so unpleasant to go potty at some of these places.  They are squat style.  I am able to do it out of fear of falling into it.  Oh so gross.  There is a small bow sitting. Beside it with a faucet to fill up the bowl to clean yourself with.  Now wouldn't toilet p aper b e easier and cheaper, and tons cleaner.  And it would take care of health risk.  Speaking of health risk...yesterday one of the bowls was to tall to get it out from under the faucet,    (Squatted remember.). So I gave up and just dipped in the bowl.  Now can't quit thinking what all I may have slashed all over my stuff.  I know, tmi, but I needed to get it off my chest.
Istanbul was great.  Got o go to Hagia Sophia as I mentioned.  After seeing so much Muslim representation it was god to see things intended to praise God.  Has since been turned to Muslim but was originally Christain.  But it made my heart sing to think of how happy the builders should have been to build such a structure for Gd. To be where their working Hands had been so many years ago touched.  We should take pride in our work for The Lord as if it would still make a difference 2000 years from now.

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