Saturday, August 31, 2013

Note to my special Sunday school class

So good to hear from you.  A special to our class
I brought along my Timothy and Titus book to finish here, Ephesus today.  Last night I took it to dinner and was planning to leave it in the common area here at the guesthouse.  At the restaurant God had other plans.  My waiter brought his sister to my table and explained she wanted to learn English could I give her tips.  Advised she keep trying and not be shy.  Ok to make mistakes but has to keep trying to talk to people.  Listen to English music.  Her brother then explained she had been to university but all they taught was grammar, no words.  I told them both that I had this book with me about, Timothy and Titus when they were in this area and I was going to leave it with her to learn English word, and to learn to read English.  Brother was very happy and she smiled,  didn't understand.  I consulted with the Holy Spirit and was led to circle 5words on the 1st page and discuss with her to learn a few words then use then and turn the page.  And keep going page after page.  I showed then how on some pages it talked about their area such as the page with Crete being discussed,  we exchanged email took pics together, shared the book with family, mom and dad and 12 kids.  Been in business for 41 years.  Very proud Turks.  The entire(one of the words) family was supportive of her learning words from this book.  daddy had tears in his eyes.  please pray with me that the Holy Spirit will stay with that book and blessings will come on this encounter.  Pray thatT God will continue to lead me and provide Devine encounters along my way.  I was just going to leave it on the table.  He had plans for that family.  Oh my what a blessing.  Thank you for continuing to pra for me and my family.  I am sad to report that my niece with ALS died on Wednesday.  Love to all and blessings to all
 to ss class

other people I've met

Before I even left Texas, God showed me He would be taking care of me.   I met a lady and child traveling to Turkey.  5 year old daughter loved me and entertained me for a Long time.  She allied e Gwandpapa cause she was going to see her Gwandpapa for first time in 4 years.  I guess she forgot him so thought I was him.  mother not that good at English although lives in Dfw.  She was way stressed trying to. Find ate and tram ad keep Ema handled, so I just fell in with them and we made it to Turkey fine.  Then I met 6 young men from India running late for ate and lost in tram system.  I heled them find the right tram and the right gate and reassured them they would make, in plenty of time.  Then in Houston I met a young couple from Austin headed to Isreal for her to meet his amily.  Such a cute sweet couple.  She was nervous about the trip, and life.  We talked and were entertained by Ema, and they sat 2 rows behind me for 12 hours.  Shared plans for what to see in Isreal.  She had not done her homework as he knows it all..  After talking with her God revealed to e that I was not alone, just as he had used me to help them find there way, handle challenges and calm their fears, we was placing people along my way to do the same for me.  I am so happy that I am spending time with my best friend, all powerful, all knowing, all forgiving Lord, and he will never leave e nor forsake me...and He doesn't snore : ). Thank you Lord for all of this.

day of rest

 it's only Saturday but swollen feet need a of rest.  Great bus ride last night.  Met 3 great Aussies, and hanging with them here in a Guesthouse.  Pic of garden terrace.  Not much to do here but very clause to Ephesus and headed there tomorrow then to the each in kasudesa about 20 kilometers from ere.  Have no idea how far that is, but now battery charged so I can google it.  Also taking the day to clean out my stuff.  
Michelle, I found my black swimsutbottoms yeah.  
Just sat here and drank 1 .5 liter of water.  I think I ad cut bac because it is so unpleasant to go potty at some of these places.  They are squat style.  I am able to do it out of fear of falling into it.  Oh so gross.  There is a small bow sitting. Beside it with a faucet to fill up the bowl to clean yourself with.  Now wouldn't toilet p aper b e easier and cheaper, and tons cleaner.  And it would take care of health risk.  Speaking of health risk...yesterday one of the bowls was to tall to get it out from under the faucet,    (Squatted remember.). So I gave up and just dipped in the bowl.  Now can't quit thinking what all I may have slashed all over my stuff.  I know, tmi, but I needed to get it off my chest.
Istanbul was great.  Got o go to Hagia Sophia as I mentioned.  After seeing so much Muslim representation it was god to see things intended to praise God.  Has since been turned to Muslim but was originally Christain.  But it made my heart sing to think of how happy the builders should have been to build such a structure for Gd. To be where their working Hands had been so many years ago touched.  We should take pride in our work for The Lord as if it would still make a difference 2000 years from now.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Where everyone is Beautiful

Today has been WOW!!!
Banks were closed for Holday but Hagia Sofia was open.  Thought it was Thursday and found out it was Friday so saw it.  Meet a nice Turksh man 37 yrs old who stayed with me for a very long time showing me Sofia then Hippodome back to Blue Mosque then Bazarre where I wanted EVERTHING.  Oh my gosh I was glad my bags were filled to the max and I could not buy anything. Then to his store where his uncle tried to sell me a $2000 Turkish Carpet.  All very nice and I knew there would be a catch but couldn't seen to shake him.  He was great company and very knowledgeable.  Left the carpet shop to get lira at ATM.  And back home.  Looking lost on the corner another Turkish man commented on my confused look and offered assistance.. Fortunately I was only on the same block as hotel.  He was very pleasant and polite and asked if I would please. Come into his sop.  I obliged
And unfortunately it was upstairs.  He offered me drink, I wanted water and he insisted I try tea so I choose apple tea.  All of them are very hospitable.  I tried to look around and be polite.  He kept telling me lovely things and being very attentive.  Way to attentive and flirtatious, even to the point of a back and foot massage.  Better than I've gotten at the high price places.  He laid a carpet on the floor an told me to lay down so he could fix my back.  Way to familiar but foot and back were so good I layer on my passport and money and got the best massage ever.  He asked if hecouldclosethe door so I got up and left.  Wow.  That is something I nerVer considered.  A woman alone from America looks like rich easy Pickens.  Lesson well learned.  I am neither.  Now I will not be so friendly.  Don't worry girls, momma still has her head on straight.  I thought all I needed to protect was my money, not my virtue too.   Off to new adventures!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

A new day in Istanbul, but my last day in istanbul

Somehow I hit some buttons an got this a bit scrambled so sorry if it is difficult to keep up.
Istanbul is is awesome.  I love the culture here.  Hugh beautiful Mosque on every corner.  Lots of ladies dressed in the long black robes and veils but fell accepted by all.  Yesterday I was looking for a toilet in a restaurant and about 6 were seated together,  they couldn't take their eyes off me but were polite and told me when the toilet was available.  All toilets have seats and paper which is an improvement over France.  Except the Squate toilet on the walk back home yesterday.  Looked like a urinal in the ground with a bucket and faucet beside it.  Oh well, " when in " Istanbul, do as the istanbul... You know the rest
   The only metropolitan city located on 2 continents.   And we thought we had problems in Texarkana USA.  So I went to Asia early.  Didn't plan that until October, but can mark that off my bucket list early.  
Temp is close to Texas but more humid, not as bad as Houston.  Very Hilly.  Very steep when walking uphill.  haven't found any downhills.  People very proud but grumble.  Hard workers and hard players.  Sometime confused about which one they are doing.  Men very polite.  Everyone very helpful.  Very proud of their heritage.  Most working class so I feel ver at home her.  I have not mentioned publicly as I too had a stereotypical idea of Hostels, but I am doing all sorts of accommodations.  I have stayed at some of the worlds finest hotels with Tupperware and Avon, and am none the better for it, just differences experiences, so this trip I am doing Hostiles,guest houses, hotels, and tonight I am spending the night on the bus and someday on a boat, maybe in Greece.  
Several reasons.. Money, here I an paying $15 a night.  A cheap hotel that would scare me by myself, about $45-60.  I'm out for 120days so do tHe math.  I am alone and would be scared alone and no one to share with.  Here I have roommates.  2 adorable French girls on their way home from 3weeks in Kenya left yesterday.  Are ally sweet girl from Chili, out for 2 months solo and 2 nice girls from Japan.  No English but giggle a lot.  Everyone was distressed with me when luggage pie was a no show and delighted when it showed up in the night.  I was asleep so they knew before I did.  So far I love it.  Many different, ages, nationalities, ,But everyone gets along and is friendly
Hagia Sophia is closed until Friday for some special conference so want  get to see it.  It is the oldest C hristian church around, so was interested in seeing it.  Supposed to be where Virgin Mary was buried.  I got the book.
Today going to the Grand Bazaar then catch the bus to Ephusus.  Very excited about that.  It is a 10 hour overnight bus trip.  Sleep is overrated.  I am not seeing any news, will likely try to check out Fox today online.  Love to all

Remembering the Blessing of Life and Family. X v

Lots to share but spending this day in prayer remembering my precious niece Jennifer who went to be with The Lord today at the very young age of 47.  A victim of ALS and yet a Victor in Christ a a daughter, sister, wife, mother and friend to many.  god be bountiful in pouring your peace, hope and joy on Randy, Kaitlyn, Ryan,Jjack, Dan, Ann and Joel and the many more who love her.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

It's started

And it's Awesome.  I love Turkey.  The people are humble but very friendly and helpful.  As I walked to my hotel from the tram there was an awesome set up by the Sophia church more about it tomorrow, but they were singing American music and food and kiosk everywhere.  love It.  
Ate on the street at my place and weird to have a man sitting beside me smoking something in a bucket with a long hose/pipe thingy.  Don't see that very often in Texas.  I'm 8 hours ahead of Texas so I'm going to bed.  First a Happy 20 Anniversary to my sweet Michelle and Mark.  She'll always be my little girl but she can be his wife too. Love you both.
I think I'm smelly this bong thingy.  Get I get high on second hand smoke. I have experienced lots of different smells in Turkey.  Sad to say, I think one of them is me.  Off to hit the showers.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Today is the first day of the rest of OUR lives

3 hours from now I leave for the airport and a 4 month adventure with The Lord.  We are going to start out in the area where he was born and raised.  I look forward to spending some good quality time with him.  I'll start out in some of the places Paul traveled and  preached.  I really look forward to. A much closer experience with what the Bible has told me for years.  Ia know everything is going to be amazing and faith building.  I had a chance to experience a moment of trial and faith building this morning when Fox News reported on the long lines of people in Israel standing in lines waiting for their gas masks.  Seems many of them already have them but now the rest of the population wants theirs.  They suspect that when the US takes a stand against Syria, the expect Syria to retaliate by trying to hurt our friends, Israel. I will be praying for guidance from my Sheppard.  Guess I my as well gone on to Ciaro.  But I'm not hearing that yet

20 more hours

I am sitting at Verizon waiting to talk with someone about International service. My be cost prohibitive but worth a try. I would really love to be able to talk to home some.  I'm set up on face time but checking out the options.  In about 20 hours ill be headed for the airport.  Leave at 4:55 and will get to Istanbul, Turkey about 8:30 am Texas time.  It will be about4:30 Istanbul time.  Planning to see the sights for a couple of days then head to Ephesus.  Then head toward Greece and the Greek Isles.  See all the sights and enjoy the sun and sea.  Hoping to be in Thesalonica for Sunday worship services. 
I had a long list of to dos over the last several months and Verizon was the last thing on my list.  I must be Ready.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Last minute To Dos.

Sped time with family.  I've spent time with Isabella, Cooper, Brian and Christy this week. Just being together, nothing Big, but Family time is always Special. We've been to the pool, eaten out side at Mexican food restaurant, now that was special in Texas in August and it was comfortable.  Went to McKinney trade days and bought some cheap sunglasses to loose on my trip.  Cooked Brian's famous  steaks on the EGG. Grill.  Awesome,  and maybe my last steak till Christmas.  
Mark, Michelle, Michael, Mavrick, and Major ave been on a cruise this last week. Coming home tomorrow.  Sure have missed them.  Makes me realize how much I will miss everyone for 4 months.
I go home tomorrow for church and lock up everything and empty the frig, them stay with Michelle and boys till I leave Tuesday.  It is almost here and yese sire,  I'm ready.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013