Sunday, December 15, 2013

Celebration in Cebu.

My friend Val is the choreographer for the incredible Sandiego Dance Group and they perform cultural dances for many events in Cebu.  Val's mother now 88 started the first Dance group in the Philippines and his wife and children all dance as well.  He also designs all the costumes and has the studio in his home where costumes are made.  That night he had been asked to have the team perform at the Fort by the Major to entertain the UNICEF members in town for an event for the Pacific countries.  There was a brownout in the area so everyone got dressed and ate in the dark, then when the power came on they had the performance including the doxology as a dance and song written and performed by the winner of the Philippines got talent program like Americas got talent.  Then the National Anthem by 3 dancers and the winner.  It was all very beautiful and touching.  I got my pic taken with all the performers, and it was a time I will treasure always, but they acted like they were the one getting a treat.  Talk about a win win.  I toured the Fort, had dinner with the performers and got my pic with them all, then back to Val and Ofelias home to see the studio and how Philipine peope live.  A remarkable evening.  They live next door to the Capital of Cebu, and it was inspiring to see a life size nativity on the capital grounds.  Very openly Christian Nation.  Hello America!?!
Pictures speak louder than words
Back at Val and Ofelias home
Such a night

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